About Us

Middle East Gemological Laboratories (MGL) is a trusted name in the gemology and certification sector. MGL are mainly known for the jeweler certificates to the individuals, Diamond Retailers and Diamonds Manufacture companies. MGL also deal in colored gemstone and diamond. MGL are very well known for using the cutting edge equipment and our experienced and knowledgeable staffs is our biggest asset. We are also very well known for our quality and we meet the industry standards. Customer’s satisfaction is our main aim and we always give prompt services to our customers. We are acknowledged for giving the best services in the sector.

Vision & Corporate Responsibility

Since ancient times, diamond has been an enduring symbol of integrity – flawless, indestructible and eternal. These are the very qualities that inspire Independent’s vision and mission. A passion for excellence with the dedication to achieve highest standards of professionalism and to surpass customer expectations. We believe is setting benchmarks with every passing certification. Veracity is the touchstone upon which certification rests. Hence, our area of work is restricted solely to the scientific evaluation of gemstones, based on established and globally recognized parameters. We do not participate in any commercial activity whatsoever within the gem and jewelry trade. Our core responsibility lies in providing authentic and reliable information to our clients. In the gemstone trade, that will protect them and in the long run and promote the healthy growth of the industry.